We have a new constitution. Hurray!
We as a nation have been reborn or so the rhetoric goes. For years people of this country have yearned for a new constitution, one they felt would heal all the wounds and correct all the injustices. Flawed thinking, I believe.
We are at the stage where we have the document we wanted but unsure of how to make it work. This is understandable because implementation is always the elephant. If one expects magical change of the way things are done then that person is setting himself up for disappointment.
The new constitution is not going to heal wounds and correct injustices, as a document. The constitution empowers one to aspire for a better country, a better system. It gives the rights, the powers and it is up to you to take hold of them and seek for justice.
As a kenyan you have the right to demand more from your leaders, your fellow country men, legal systems. But, if we continue to think in the same old way, influenced by the same old things like tribalism, greed, a new constitution will make no difference.
We have just gone through a couple of by - elections and you keep hearing the same thing, money was poured! Two things have to change, politicians have to stop being sore losers because that is the root of chaos and secondly, the citizens need to stop being greedy and short-sighted. If you sell your vote for 5000 bob and the guy you vote for stays in parliament for five years doing absolutely nothing other than building himself up, you are the bigger fool, you have been unjust to yourself and you deserve the wounds.
We have a chance to change how we think and how we act. We have a chance to take care of ourselves and our future and it starts with eliminating ignorance, tribalism and greediness and voting on the basis of need for us and the community. We need to vote for a person who is willing to work for his or her pay. Work everyday to improve the people's lives.
If someone has been in Parliament for more than five years and you still have no roads, that person has got to go!
If you have never been able to get audience with your MP even after continuance trying but you definitely find him buying changa'a when it is Kura time, that person has got to go.
The citizen has the power to fire and hire. Use it to safeguard your future!