About Me

I am what you would refer to as a dreaming realist(if ever there was such!)...I believe in the power of dreams and hope and hard work and hanging in there. Above all, I believe that sometimes strength is found in standing alone. I am a work in progress. I sometimes work and sometimes breakdown but I always manage to stand up and try again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Min Han

I have thought about it, I really have.

Especially since it dawned on me that I spend hours with earphones on my head to enable me concentrate. The thoughts in my head can only be stilled by something louder.

I am not in love, I am obsessed. I am addicted to the feeling of wanting, of needing him.

How do I stop me from falling deeper and deeper. I am in deep trouble and I don’t see the end in sight.

How do I stop the thoughts in my head, the need for that one more moment. The headaches, heartaches and aches that won’t go away. How do I deal when it is me who is the addict.

I am not in love. It is far worse, I am addicted.

Now I need that space, that time you say it is for calming down. I need space, to remember to stop. I need that space when not having will be alright.

I need that space, to realize I am sober. To stop my insanity.