About Me

I am what you would refer to as a dreaming realist(if ever there was such!)...I believe in the power of dreams and hope and hard work and hanging in there. Above all, I believe that sometimes strength is found in standing alone. I am a work in progress. I sometimes work and sometimes breakdown but I always manage to stand up and try again.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lessons I learnt from Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture

For what we can't we change, we have to decide how to respond.
In life we hardly get to change the cards we are dealt but we can always change how we play that hand.Our tears and pity do not change the situation even though that depends on the situation (for me at least. We are left with only one choice to play a really great hand, one we will be proud of even if we loose.
That is what I learned from the last lecture. I had put up the full lecture but my friend at http://afkaary-nabz@blogspot.com pointed out that it was too long even she could not read the whole thing. So, I read it myself again and decided that I am going to share with you what i learned.

The topic was on achieving your childhood dreams, a big issue for me. We all have that list of the things we wanted to achieve and get when we were kids. we hope that one day we get to strike a few things off the list.

To start off on a personal, religion is big for me. I have always hoped that I would make all my decisions based on the christian teaching i got as a kid. I struggle with this everyday and hopefully, I will die learn to love unconditionally, forgive unconditionally and always belief in God and the goodness of every person I meet.
That said and done, achieving your childhood dream.

Randy Pausch talks about achieving his childhood dreams. How he did it is a lesson for how to live your life. As someone who is looking for a job that will give me the opportunity make my dream profession a reality, the lessons gathered from the lecture is as follows:

1. You are more welcome to the table, if you have something to offer. That is one of the things resume experts will tell you; always have something that an employer would need. But, even if you have something to offer you still have to remember the hardwork and the not giving up.

2. Remember the fundamentals. If you want to successful in whatever field, you have to get the basics spot on or whatever extra you offer will be of no use. In the law profession, you are told that a sharp tongue will save you in court but if you do not have the law down, the sharp tongue will be useless.
Sometimes to make sure we get these fundamentals, teachers or whoever will be extra hard on you. that is a sign that someone thinks you have a chance at what you want. If someone does not bother when you make a mistake, they have given up on you. Your critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care.
Finally, the power of enthusiasm to learn is very important. if you want it badly enough, you will endure the rough.we need Teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance to survive.

3. There will always be setbacks in our path, brick walls he called them. These are not meant to keep us from what we want but rather they are an opportunity to show how badly we want that thing.
How many times have I had, We do not have space available at this time but we will get in touch with you as soon as something comes up. I have had it so many times that I am not so sure I can bear it any more. But I want to be in the profession I am so badly that I refuse to let Brick walls keep me away.

4. Take an opportunity to enable the childhood dreams of others. This one is hard because I am thinking, I have not achieved mine then how. I decided this means that if you are capable of helping out at any point in your life and in whatever way do it. Remember that people are amazing when you show a little faith in them.

5. Have your mentors, parents, friends etc to help you, to look up to and to ground you.

6. Never loose the childlike wonder. I love this one because I believe that is what decide whether we remain happy people or whether we let the sadness in the world seep into our hearts. Sometimes the right view is that of a child and we are driven towards that childlike reality. A really good thing.

7. Keep what is valuable and cherished. I have kept almost all the cards i have ever received. My mother hardly throws anything, she will give it away but never throws. I love the things that i keep even when they look useless because it is the only way I can hold on to my memories. Don't hold on to the past but reminders of lessons learnt, people we have met and places seen are not so bad.

8. Loyalty is a two way street. I have nothing more to add on this one. Be a loyal friend, brother, sister and whoever else you are. That is how character is built. Be truthful and earnest and people will help you. Karma!

9. Never give up. I have not achieved what i wanted to by this time but i know I can not give up even when I feel hopeless. I believe that hope fuels the heart which
feeds the spirit and we stay alive.

10. Get feedback, cherish it and use it. Do not give excuses for what you have failed in but rather listen to advice, admit your mistake and do better next time. This is really hard but I am trying to less argumentative and listen.

11. Show gratitude. Be thankful and show it. My mother taught the small word called 'Thank you'. Use it and you will amass more people willing to help.

12. Don’t complain. Just work harder. Randy Pausch talks of the story of Jackie Robinson, first black man in the NFL. It was in his contract not to complain, even when the fans spit on him.That is enough to remind to just work harder.

13. Be prepared because luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity.

This is based on the last lecture given by Randy Pausch given at Carnegie Mellon University on Tuesday, September 18, 2007

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