I, like every other person on the planet, was captivated by the just concluded US elections. but probably unlike most, kenyans felt a particular kindredness in it.
So what was the object of our passion: obama
I have to admit, i had never heard of this man until he joined the american senate and all kenyans could not stop talking about this kenyan in the US.
His kenyan roots and yes he has them, was what peaked my curiosity but i eventually like all, i joined the obama school of thought.
But understand at last the fever pitch emotion that he awakens when he was just projected the president elect on wednesday morning. i watched the world reflected in peoples faces. they cried, they wailed and some just stood still not yet believing.
When he gave his speech and as i watched the intensity in people, i was not only excited but i was humbled for i understood. here stood a myriad of people of different races, different creeds, different religions and different preferences choosing to believe that they can do all they set out and achieve all they work hard for. This was a reminder of that little message that we all hear all our lives but the worlds problems turn us deaf to it....once again we were reminded 'yes we can'
But i was saddened also, because this was a man who dared to believe but in his eyes he carried such sadness and his voice such pain for he like all of us had wanted to be able to have the people that always reminded him that he can and worked so he will be able to, to be there in his hour of triumph.
My tears came then for he had lost a lot to give so much. But i hope that he knows that a father only dreams of what his son will surely achieve and he knows of what has come to pass.
As i walked the streets of Nairobi later through the celebrating throngs of people, i thought the world would probably not understand or even think us a little stupid to put such importance on a man that is an American. we understand that but we remember that he is of the same soil and we celebrate. Their is so much that should bring the people of this country and this continent down but you will never find a happier people than in Kenya and in Africa.
So we take time off and we celebrate because we have and always will have the audacity to hope, and how could we not, a son of kenya has done what others thought was impossible and so we choose to hope, yes we can.