About Me

I am what you would refer to as a dreaming realist(if ever there was such!)...I believe in the power of dreams and hope and hard work and hanging in there. Above all, I believe that sometimes strength is found in standing alone. I am a work in progress. I sometimes work and sometimes breakdown but I always manage to stand up and try again.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It is that time again when we renew our resolutions and promise ourselves that this time we will be true to them.

This new years, I pray for the gift to be thankful for all that i have been given and the ability to look beyond what i think is not satisfactory to all that which has been amazing, i pray for such humility.

So my new year resolution is to hold on to these words that make a simple prayer whose origin i do not know but its destination will hopefully be my heart:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

May this be the year when not only do we get peace and love but a year when we understand and will be willing to fight for the same.

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