About Me

I am what you would refer to as a dreaming realist(if ever there was such!)...I believe in the power of dreams and hope and hard work and hanging in there. Above all, I believe that sometimes strength is found in standing alone. I am a work in progress. I sometimes work and sometimes breakdown but I always manage to stand up and try again.

Friday, November 21, 2008

will history show?

The other day i was reading about the comments that were made by berlusconi the Italian president on president bush. His comments were along the lines of, down the line the world is going to regard bush as having been a great leader.

I got to thinking about leaders and the decisions that they make.
I mean we never really know what is it like when you carry the problems of your nation on shoulders, when all expect you to be right and not just right but right as they think right is and when spend all your time hoping that what you decide will bear positive fruit.

I personally think that bush made mistakes that have done irreparable damage to the very fabric of society but do we really have the right to condemn this man?

When i was in high school i was a prefect and believe me i know that this does not compare to being a leader of a nation but that was one of the hardest high school years for me.

You had to find a balance point between maintaining a friendship and doing your duty assigned to you and you had to be tough take in the hostility and the enmity.

There were tough decisions that you made hoping for the best but you knew that your friends will not accept because they did not understand the reasons behind this and not the other decision.

So as i thought about all the heat that bush has had to take and the expectations that is heaped on him, i wondered if perhaps he needs a break, a little compassion.

1 comment:

Vic Muisyo said...

Hopefully It will siz! perfection only requires the hand of time as it is attained by slow degree.